The Community Health Care for Indigenous People (CHCIP) funded by WE 21 of Japan is the modified version of Maternal and Infant Health Care for Indigenous People and currently implemented in Gadang, Kapangan by the trained health workers of Dayukong and under close supervision of Shontoug staff and UBAPAS, the community-based organization empowered and enabled by Shontoug to serve a PO partner-program implementor. A Project Management Team of Dayukong was formed as direct implementer of the project. This team conducts regular monthly meetings twice a month. The first meeting is held to assess past month’s activities and formulate plans for incoming month while second meetings is monthly reporting for submission to the PO and funding agencies. The role of UBAPAS is to coach Dayukong Project Management Team to comply with the requirements in the implementation of the project in terms of technical, financial and organization requirements. They assist Dayukong members on how to conduct trainings.
The ten (10) trained community members on Alternative Health Medicine in Ubod/Apunan, Beling and Ampongot are now active in practicing their acquired skills on acupuncture. Regular schedule of basic health services (acupuncture) was set by the Rural Health Midwife every first Monday at the Rural Health Clinic. The Kapangan Municipal Health Officer also requested UBAPAS acupuncturist to set a regular schedule to conduct Alternative Health Sessions in Lomon twice a month at the Municipal Health Center every second and fourth Wednesday. In Beling, the schedule is every first Saturday of the month. This development has prevented the occurrence of major illness in said target areas.
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